Saturday 23 January 2016


Happiness I Say..

(An emotion, all must embrace forever!)

Source: Google Images

In every swing of life- gay, spree or satire,
Happiness is a feel that we all desire!
I sit here & ponder why,
Every man I see is filled with a silent cry!
Though we inhibit in an ever bleaker world,
Not all we see is unlike an emerald!
Out of anguish, our feelings we disgorge,
I say-“Why we be so? Instead be halcyon!”
And see how our emotions it forge!
Bliss in our life will have the age of an eon!
We run behind the bubble fame,
This has a life that is so lame!
Come out & give time to self,
And realize we can find joy in big & elf!
Happiness is a mere escapism,
From the daily tantrums & vandalism!
Happiness is a song, come let us sing!
Our heart will be filled with an enthralling zing!
Sabotage all grudge & stop all wage,
See how everything will again have a bon voyage!


  1. Aaaah, happiness... So easy. So elusive. Hallo, and thanks for popping by....

  2. Thanks you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  3. Welcome!! I enjoy reading your posts too!

  4. Beautifully thought out and written. One of life's roller-coaster rides... emotions~


    1. Thank you so much! Emotions inspire me to take my pen and write out my feelings!

  5. I am in new mexico on my way to texas, I have internet connection and saw you visited my blog (thanks for the kind words) I so enjoyed ypur poem, I am very happy as I travel with my hubby and golden retriever jake butter exposure to increase this spring police in

  6. Please excuse that last line, I spoke my comment and then my hubby spoke to me and my phone picked up part of his conversation lol

    1. haha! no issues!..and thanks for popping by!!
